Information Spaces, Referat im Seminar "Next Generation Interfaces" ; Ralf Bähren, Mai 2003



INTERAKTIVEs HOLOGRAMM (2000) Augmented Reality based Cultural Heritage On-site GUIDE
The spatial Imaging Group, MIT; wendy plesniak & ravikanth pappu





Verwandte Themen:

› Bodymover

› Sketchpad

› Stereolithographie



ABSTRACT: Lathe combines a force image of a simple cylindrical stock with a holographic video image of the same geometry. An interacting person can see, feel, and carve the multi-modal simulation into an arbitrary rotationally-symmetric shape. The final shape can be dispatched to a 3D printer to generate hardcopy.

Lathe has three subsystems: the haptics module, the holovideo module, and the model manager. The haptics module runs our force simulation and drives the force feedback device. The holovideo module precomputes holograms, and drives rapid local updates on the holovideo display. The model manager keeps the visual and haptic representations in sync. The force simulation runs at an average servo rate of 5kHz, and the holovideo update rate is 10fps. The system operates with 1s of lag between haptic and hologram updates. Thus, typically, as a person lathes, the surface is immediately felt to change and seen to change a second later.

Lathe achieves near-real-time holovideo updates by using a set of precomputed holograms of cylindrical
stocks having different radii. The final image is then assembled from appropriate regions of this precomputed hologram set, and only changed in regions where the model has been affected by a person's carving. By making line-level changes, we avoid recomputing the entire 36MB holographic fringe pattern at each update.

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