Information Spaces, Referat im Seminar "Next Generation Interfaces" ; Ralf Bähren, Mai 2003



The Task Gallery (1999)
Microsoft Research Center;


gallery center screen

räumlicher Aufbau Navigation

›view movie (mpg, 73 mb )


Verwandte Themen:


› The Information Visualizer

› Times Square



ABSTRACT: Die Task Gallery ist nach ihrem erfolgreichen Vorgängerprojekt "Data Mountain" das am weitesten fortgeschrittene Forschungsprojekt, das auf eine 3D Umgebung bei der Informations- und Aufgabenverwaltung setzt. Ähnlich wie beim › Information Visualizer Projekt wird auch hier auf Forschungsergebnissen aufgebaut, die einer räumlichen Informations-Strukturierung den Vorzug geben.

Der voll funktionsfähige Prototyp intergriert sich in bestehende Windows-Plattformen und kann als Alternative zur normalen Arbeitsumgebung verwendet werden.


AUSZUG aus der Webseite:

The TaskGallery is a running 3D research prototype user interface that expands the desktop into an entire office with an unlimited number of desktops. The screen becomes a long gallery with paintings on the walls that represent different tasks, and the user moves quickly and easily from one to another with a simple series of mouse and keyboard commands. We tried to make the illusion appeal to the lessons in navigating physical space that we learned as children, so that people would “get” the system intuitively without having to learn or adjust to it. The less people have to think about how to work their computer, the more mental energy they have left for their real work.

Unique features and innovations:

- Any normal, unmodified windows application runs inside of a 3D environment.
- Users can customize the layout of tasks and persist these layouts.
- Files, documents, and applications are typically represented as snapshots (rather than icons) to aid in retrieval.
- The individualized layouts of tasks and documents within tasks take advantage of users' spatial memory.
- High-level control for common navigation prevents users from getting lost in the 3D environment.
- The standard windows manipulation controls are augmented with additional controls that provide high-level control for common window configurations: loosely stacked files, put files in an ordered stack, maximize one document, and compare several documents.

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Externe Links:

›› DATA Mountain (PDF)
Vorgänger-Projekt zur 3D-Organisation von Webseiten

›› MICROSOFT Research Center

›› Task Gallery Website