Marc Pfaff is a doctoral candidate in Design Science at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne (KHM). In his PhD thesis on the Poetology of Design, he develops a media-theoretical and historical-anthropological perspective on designing (»entwerfen«) as a cultural technique. From 2005 to 2010, he studied Design at Köln International School of Design and Hong Polytechnic University and has since taught several courses and projects at both universities. Since 2015, he is a member of publisher Birkhäuser’s Board of International Research in Design (BIRD). He co-authored, together with Oliver Baron, the book Design und Ökonomie (UTB, 2015) and authored Pace Space. Zur Phänomenologie des gelebten Raumes im Zeitalter maschineller Transportmittel (KISDedition, 2011).