Designing Meaningful Textures: Postdoctoral study and research project cooperation of ENSCI and Tokyo University
New and changing production technologies are opening up possibilities for designing texture and haptic experiences with product surfaces.
We propose starting a design process by experimenting with and fundamentally researching texture, in order to design more meaningful and consistent human-object interactions.
In this workshop, we evaluated objective texture parameters through subjective values, before transferring subjective values into objective texture parameters. We prototyped and experimented with 3D programs as well as analogue and mill the results with the CNC machine.
This workshop is part of a design research project on »How culture affects the way we perceive and design textures«. It is held in different design schools around the world and the results will be exhibited in a joined show. This research is conducted by Kenza Drancourt et Théo Mahut from GoodMoodLaboratory.