In accordance with the transdisciplinary approach of the »Real-Time City« research center, dissertations are supervised that contribute to the research of urban, architectural and media spaces from different perspectives. They thus lay the foundation for cultural and design research that examines space in its cultural, technical, social, economic and political contexts.

The »Real-Time City« research center participates in the Doctoral College for Applied Research in North Rhine-Westphalia. Members of the »Real-Time City« research center are represented in the »Building and Culture« department.

In addition, as part of a structured doctoral training program, the Köln International School of Design is participating in the DFG-funded Research Training Group »connecting – excluding: Cultural Dynamics Beyond Globalized Networks,« a collaboration of the University of Cologne, the Academy of Media Arts Cologne (KHM) and the TH Köln. In this context, Simon Meienberg is currently writing a dissertation on infrastructural spaces in Dakar/Senegal.

In order to support young researchers, the areas of expertise »Design Theory and Research« and »Interaction Design« offer a joint doctoral colloquium, which complements the individual supervision.

The »Real-Time City« research center also participates in the inter-university colloquium »Design doctorates« of the German Society for Design Theory and Research (dgtf).

Doctoral Supervision by Prof. Dr. Carolin Höfler

Alice Rzezonka

Title of dissertation: User, der – Begriffsprägung einer privilegierten Position am Personal Computer

Cooperative doctorate between the University of Bonn and the TH Köln (Supervision: Prof. Dr. Jens Schröter, Media Culture Studies and Prof. Dr. Carolin Höfler, Design Theory and Research)

2018 – 2021, graduated with »summa cum laude«

Simon Meienberg

Title of dissertation: Borderlands: Migrant Spacing between Autonomy and Control

Cooperative doctorate between the  TH Köln  and the University of Cologne as part of the Research Training Group »connecting – excluding« funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) (Supervision: Prof. Dr. Carolin Höfler, Design Theory and Research, and Prof. Dr. Martin Zillinger, Social and Cultural Anthropology)

since 2021

Julian Hoffmann

Title of dissertation: Übersetzungsprozesse – Rezeptionspraktiken des Digitalen als Dispositiv der Kunstvermittlung

Cooperative doctorate between the TH Köln  and the University of Cologne as part of the Research Training Group »connecting – excluding« funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) (Supervision: Prof. Dr. Carolin Höfler, Design Theory and Research, and Prof. Dr. Torsten Meyer, Art and Its Didactics)

since 2021

Marc Pfaff

Title of dissertation: Poetologie des Entwerfens. Zu Genese und Techno-Logik einer Zivilisationstechnik

Cooperative doctorate between the Academy of Media Arts Cologne and the TH Köln (Supervision: Prof. Dr. Hans Ulrich Reck, Art History in Medial Context, and Prof. Dr. Carolin Höfler, Design Theory and Research)

since 2022

Carolin Schabbing

Title of dissertation: 4D. Imaging in Kulturproduktionen

Cooperative doctorate between the University of Bonn and the TH Köln (Supervision: Prof. Dr. Kathrin Friedrich, Media Studies: Digital Media Culture,  and Prof. Dr. Carolin Höfler, Design Theory and Research)

since 2023

Johanna Mehl

Titel der Dissertation: Human-Environment Relations: Rethinking Architecture and Design Practice in the Anthropocene

Cooperative doctorate between the TU Dresden and the TH Köln (Supervision: Prof. Dr. Orit Halpern, Digital Cultures and Societal Change, and Prof. Dr. Carolin Höfler, Design Theory and Research)

seit 2023


Further information for early stage researchers:
Service Desk of  Graduate Center at TH Köln
Doctoral College for Applied Research in North Rhine-Westphalia

Image: »Blind Spots« by Dorothea Elisabeth Schneid & Jessica Martins Zisa