The lecture series “Lehrforschung / Research-based Learning” offers an opportunity to present ongoing or completed teaching research projects of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences.
By “teaching research project” we mean all research-oriented projects that are integrated into courses. The aim of the event is to gain an overview of the concrete topics, questions and methods of the teaching research culture at the faculty and at the same time to discuss “best practice” possibilities.
The Ringvorlesung will take place on the respective days at
6-7 pm in room 11 at KISD
Those who cannot come in person are cordially invited to follow the presentations via Zoom:
Click here for Zoomlink
Code: 269791
NAME: Juliane Ahn, MA (KISD, TH Köln)
TOPIC: Robotic Operations – Mensch und Maschine im chirurgischen Verbund (Vortrag im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung „Lehrforschung / Research-based Learning“)
DATE: 16.10.23
TIME: 6-7 pm
PLACE: room 11
In an interdisciplinary cooperation project between the University Hospital Cologne and the KISD, Juliane Ahn is researching the interplay of image, space and action in robot-guided operations in the field of “Design Theory and Research” and developing design perspectives on the relationship between design and medicine.
NAME: Jakob Kilian, MA, Prof. Dr. Lasse Scherffig, Laura Wagner, MA (KISD, TH Köln)
TOPIC: Artificial Intelligence in Design Teaching, Learning and Research
DATE: 16.10.23
TIME: 6-7 pm
PLACE room 11
How will so-called “artificial intelligence” change design education and practice? How do we teach AI to designers and how can designers, in turn, shape the future of AI? Will design need to learn prompting or do we need to un-learn the AI hype? We present how KISD and its Living Objects Lab address AI in teaching-based research and in context of the BMBF-project KITeGG, https://gestaltung.ai/#/
NAME: David J. R. Sieverding, BA, Luisa Hoffmeister, BA, Martin L. Sistig, BA, Yvonne Lober, BA (KISD, TH Köln):
TOPIC: Die Ausstellung „re–aktion“ als Beitrag zur forschend-gestalterischen Erinnerungskultur
DATE: 23.10.23
TIME: 6-7 pm
PLACE room 11
On 14 May 1970, so-called “liberation action” for Andreas Baader, which is associated with the founding of the Roten Armee Fraktion, took place at the Deutschen Zentralinstitut für soziale Fragen. This key event marked the beginning of a political radicalisation that led to terrorist activities throughout Germany. The exhibition »re—aktion: Wege und Orte der Radikalisierung« will be used to shed light on methodological approaches of Integrated Design to the culture of remembrance and to discuss how to deal with emotional reflection on the past and collective memory.
NAME: Moritz von Laufenberg, BA, und Jule Marie Schacht, BA (KISD, TH Köln)
TOPIC: Reproductions of our collective unconscious
DATE: 30.10.23
TIME: 6-7 pm
PLACE room 11
The past is not an open book, ready to be studied for its immutable record of times gone. History is being constantly rewritten, it constitutes a relation between a present and a past. In this lecture we explore how images and mediums themselves mediate our understanding between present and past. We study our present by asking questions of our collective past.
Programme download
Dr. Alexander van Wickeren