The first lecture of the lecture series »Data Literacy: Ethics and Data Culture« will take place on 9 October 2024 at 17:30 at Ubierring 40, Room 11. The lecture series is organized by the Data Literacy Initiative (DaLI) of the TH Köln. DaLI aims to anchor data literacy systematically and university-wide in teaching and research at the TH Köln with various interdisciplinary programs. The lectures of this winter semester are intended to provide a forum for the development and discussion of data literacy as a crucial future competence in all disciplines. The lectures are aimed at students, colleagues and a general audience.
Our first lecture is entitled »In times of Artificial Intelligence, why should Data Literacy be relevant?« and will be held by Katharina Schüller. Katharina Schüller is a German entrepreneur, non-fiction author and board member of the German Statistical Society. She is the founder and CEO of »STAT-UP Statistical Consulting & Data Science«. In 2000, she initiated the development of a Data Literacy Charter with the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft, which was signed by more than 100 representatives from business, politics and academia. In 2021, the IEEE Standards Association appointed her to lead an international working group to develop a global standard for Data & AI Literacy.
The schedule with all lectures can be found in the attached PDF.
In times of Artificial Intelligence, why should Data Literacy be relevant?
Katharina Schüller Founder & Owner, STAT-UP Statistical Consulting & Data Science
09.10.2024, 5:30–7:00 pm
Ubierring 40, Raum/room 11