On Friday, November 6, KISD – Köln International School of Design will be hosting an Online KISDparcours at https://parcours.kisd.de/. The event can be attended via a Zoom-meeting. At the KISDparcours, all graduate theses and projects of the academic year 2019/2020 will be exhibited. The Online KISDparcours will start on Friday, November 6, at 7.30 pm. On the agenda of the KISDparcours will be, among other items, the following: an introductory speech given by KISD director Michael Gais (7:30 pm), a farewell address to KISD professor Hatto Grosse by emeritus professor Günter Horntrich (scheduled for 7:45 pm), and the announcement of the KISD nominees for the 2020 Cologne Design Prize (scheduled for 8 pm). Please feel free to join!
We had hoped to let the KISDparcours happen as a genuine life event with visitors at an event hall in Cologne-Ehrenfeld. Due to the current measures taken by the Federal German government in face of the Corona pandemic, it is only possible to host the KISDparcours as a digital event via Zoom and at https://parcours.kisd.de/.
You can attend the KISDparcours online at from 7pm on November 6.
Meeting-ID: 998 2906 1815
Code: 2sksK2
Date 6. November 2020
Time 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm