Principles of Decolonial Education and Museum Practice

Ethnological museums are undergoing significant transformation today. The RJM in Cologne critically engages with its colonial legacy and endeavours to ‘decolonize’ itself. But what does this mean? How can the area of education and outreach contribute to this process? This presentation explores several principles of decolonial education, illustrates them with examples, and invites participants to discuss their implications. Fabiola Arellano Cruz is a Peruvian art mediator and cultural historian. She holds a master’s in art history and art education, and a doctoral degree in cultural history from the University Ludwig Maximilian (LMU, Munich). Her research interests include commemoration, especially its aesthetic and artistic forms of expression, critical museology and decoloniality. She works as director of the Department of Education and Mediation at the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum/Cultures of the World (Cologne, Germany). She is a member of the MemoryStudies Association (MSA) and Museum Detox, a network of BIPOC museum professionals committed to increasing inclusion and diversity in the cultural sector.


The talk will be happening in room 11.