The Bachelor Degree Program »Integrated Design« features a nationwide, unique, non-linear and multi-semester study model which offers a high level of individual design opportunities. The application period starts on April 1, 2025.

Our application process comprises several phases. Here you will find all information about the first phase: the assignment.


The topic of the 2025 assignment is: » «. (Announcement on 01 April 2025 around noon CEST  here on the website and on Instagram)

Please find the information regarding processing and submission here on this website. Since a self-dependent approach is expected for the preparation of the assignment, we kindly ask you to refrain from further inquiries.

Entry deadline: May 2, 2025 (up to 11:59 pm CET summertime)

Applicants may work out and submit their assignments in almost any form, i.e. as a two- or three-dimensional model, a text, an animation, a video etc. You can find all relevant technical lines below.

Yes. In addition to your assignment, please write a statement of approx. 1,200 – 1,600 characters (including spaces) explaining your approach and thoughts with regard to the task and your work. Please note that it is absolutely necessary to enclose the declaration of authorship signed by you.

This year only digital homework will be accepted. Please make sure that your uploaded files are not too large. You can reduce the size of PDFs with several online tools. The following file formats are accepted:

  • Text as a PDF
  • Film and Animation as link to a video portal (vimeo, Youtube, …)
  • Two-dimensional work as a file (PDF) or as (compressed)
    image/photo file(s) (JPG, PNG, …)
  • Three-dimensional work by filming (see films) or photographing (see two-dimensional work) of all relevant details.

Important: You are responsible for ensuring that we can open your files – don’t use exotic file formats or codecs! You can find more relevant technical lines below.

Technical notes

Please observe the following guidelines for your assignment. If you submit a work, which does not meet our technical requirements, perhaps it cannot be considered in the subsequent process.

In addition to your work we need a one-sided abstract which represents your main thoughts in a structured form. Please have in mind that it is nearly impossible to read very long texts.


Maximum length: 5 minutes -we do not have time to watch more. Please make sure we can watch your work without problems. Do not use unusual codecs, we cannot install additional codecs (even if enclosed). In addition you have to submit a one page storyboard with content description and some screenshots enabling the commission to talk about your work without any device after screening.

Data/Animations/Interactive works

Please make sure we can watch your work without problems. Do not use unusual programs or plug-ins, we cannot install additional software (even if enclosed).

Additionally, you have to submit a one page description and some screenshots, enabling the commission to talk about your work without any device after screening.

Please have in mind, that the risk is yours, if your submission cannot be reviewed by the commission.

If you have any questions about the assignment or the application process in general, please contact the students at KISD Application WG under The KISD secretary’s office cannot provide you with any information on these topics.