Over the past years, KISD students and KISD alumni have received a high amount of design awards – illustrating the high quality of KISD and its integrated design approach for various design disciplines. Here you will find a selection of these award-winning works and projects as of 2010:
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- Theresa Tropschuh: ‘Kühe machen Mühe (Cows cause trouble)’, 1st place, Cologne Design Award 2024
- Serin Gatzweiler: ‘Schmerzen im System (Pain in the system)’, 2nd place, Cologne Design Award 2024
- Jannik Bussmann: ‘Memories from Above – Mapping the Perspectives of Global Narrative Landscapes’, 3rd place, Cologne Design Award 2024
- Byron Co: winner of ‘Kunst an Kölner Litfaßsäule’ with his master’s thesis ‘MOMENTOUS – Emerging images from archives’
- Sanja Zündorf: Winner of the Kultur- und Kreativpilot:innen, an award donated by the German government for creative entrepreneurs
- Klara Tekath: Winner of the poster competition for the 35th German Camera Award 2025
- Nicolas Salfner: ‘Munch’, 38th poster competition of the German Student Union 2024, 2nd place
Further prizes:
- Award of the Kölner Klopfer 2024, Cologne Design Prize from KISD students to the best designer of the year 2024. Winner: ‘Das Wetter – Magazin für Text und Musik’
- Prof Dr Laura Popplow and Prof Dr Lasse Scherffig: ‘Entwurf’ teaching project, winner of the TH Köln teaching prize 2024
- Yvonne Lober: »De/construct/war«, Cologne Design Price 2023, 1st place
- Julius Walsch: »Klang-Körper // Arte:fakta FT-1«, Cologne Design Price 2023, 3rd place
- Sanja Zündorf: „entzück dich selbst“, Cologne Design Price 2023, Special Price
- Larissa Zielbauer: „Das Schamäleon” / Kamishibai und Bilderbuch „Kritzelknäuel. Frida schämt sich. Nicht.“, Cologne Design Price 2023, audience award
- Luiza Talamini: Winner of the poster competition for the 34. Deutscher Kamerapreis 2024
- Anastasiar Bondar: »A Toilet Paper«, Cologne Design Price Kölner Design Preis 2022, 1. Platz
- Johanna Poncar: »Fruchtpapier«, Cologne Design Price 2022, 2nd place
- Lisa M. Mantel and Laura J. Wagner: »Borrowed Limbs«, Cologne Design Price 2022, 3rd place
- Christin Vorbrugg: »Digitalisierung macht einsam«, Edition of Nationwide Poster Competition by Deutsches Studentenwerk (German Student Union), 1st place
- Tassilo Morino and team: “Senf.app”, 3rd German Digital Day 2022, award for digital togetherness
- Chandra Sperle: »Schriftkörper«, Cologne Design Price 2021, 1st place
- Theresa Tropschuh: »Presskörper«, Cologne Design Price 2021, 2nd place
- Carolin Schabbing: »Data goes Scenographic«, Cologne Design Price 2021, 3rd place 1
- Sanja Alessia Zündorf: »POV-Mag«, Cologne Design Price 2021, 3rd place 2
- Pia-Marie Stute and Katja Trinkwalder: “Accessories For The Paranoid”, Core77 Design Award, Category: Speculative Design
- Pia-Marie Stute: »Black Box Experience«, Cologne Design Price 2020, 1st place
- Jennifer Pilawa: »Companion«, Cologne Design Price 2020, 3rd place
- Valentin Schlitt, »Schwarzmalerei«, Edition of Nationwide Poster Competition 2022 by Deutsches Studentenwerk (German Student Union), 1st place
- Bartos Scharmach, »Building Confidence in Fully Autonomous Vehicles«, Steinmüller-Engineering Incentive Award, 1st place
- Charla Sperle, Tonda Budszus, Florian Färber, Lucia Castellanos, Clara Schramm, Rubine Smolka: Art catalogue “Akademie”, Longlist der schönsten deutschen Bücher (longlist of the most beautiful German books) by Stiftung Buchkunst
- Maciej Puzon, Caspar Schmitz (dreikant): »Lichtkuppel essertop«, German Design Award 2018, Category: Excellent Product Design/Building and Elements
- Thorsten Frackenpohl, André Poulheim (noto.design): »auroSTOR«, German Design Award 2018, Category: Excellent Product Design/Energy
- Thyl Juncker (Desino): » Rollstuhl radius«, German Design Award 2018, Category: Medical, Rehabilitation and Health Care
- Yu-Min Tsai: “Where am I”, Edition of Nationwide Poster Competition by Deutsches Studentenwerk (German Student Union), 2nd place
- Flora Ines Coletta Karger: »Programme begreifen – eine performative Umsetzung«, Kölner Design Preis 2017 (Cologne Design Price, subsequently referred to as Kölner Design Preis), 1st place
- Dorothee Clasen, Sascha Praet: »InFoam Printing«, Interzum Award 2017, Best of the Best
- Maximilian Pietro Hoffmann: »Means of Digital Images«, Kölner Design Preis 2016, 1st place
- Ilja Burzev and Evgenii Krivoruchko: »A Study in Interactive Mechanics for Virtual Reality«, Kölner Design Preis 2016, 3rd place
- Marcel Oelschläger: »ethi.cal«, Kölner Design Preis 2016, Jury’s Recognition
- Dorothee Clasen »Cirquids: Eine Analyse des neuartigen Druckverfahrens Cirquids / Druck von Elektronik auf flexiblen Oberflächen«, Kölner Design Preis 2016, Jury’s Recognition
- Dorothee Clasen, Oliver Köneke, Sascha Praet, Moritz Wallasch: »sonogrid«, purmundus challenge 2016, Jury’s Recognition
- Noelle Gangloff: »Nimm mich zuerst«, Incentive Award Sustainability 2016 of German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture
- Christian Küller and Christian Zander: »Libelle – Moving Lights«, Young Design Plus Award 2016, 1st place
- KISD student team, supervised by Prof. Hatto Grosse, Electric Screwdrivers’ Race of HAWK Hildesheim, 2016, 3rd place (Category: Speed)
- Anne Poggenpohl: »C’était bien bon«, Competition »Emballé 3.0«; Conseil National d’Emballage/Paris; »Coup de Coeur«-Award
- Agustina Andreoletti: »Synthetic Ecology – Ultima Materia«, Lucky Strike Junior Award 2015
- Simone Fahrenhorst: »ProMemo«, Kölner Design Preis 2015, 2nd place, and Lucky Strike Junior Award 2015, Jury’s Recognition
- Anne Poggenpohl: »Standfest«, Lucky Strike Junior Award 2015, Jury’s Recognition
- Dustin Schulz: »Crime Cologne Award«, Detective Fiction Festival Crime Cologne, Overall Design of the Award
- Anna Shapiro: »I’m grand«, Kölner Design Preis 2015 , Jury’s Recognition
- Onat Hekimoglu: »Trau dich, wenn du es drauf hast«, »kurzundschön – bewegte Bilder« 2015; WDR Special Category
- Peter Bahner for the project “Lightbridge“ , Osram Light Award, 2nd place
- David Hartgenbusch for his work “Peek“, Osram Light Award, 2nd place
- Maximilian Philipp Maria Brück for his work “Twinkle Light“, Osram Light Award, 3rd place
- Yusuke Goto: »Double Helix Cable«, Euromold 2014; purmundus challenge; Category: »Innovative Concept«, 2nd place
- Onat Hekimoglu: Imageclip for »Global Sounds Radio« / Funkhaus Europa, »kurzundschön – bewegte Bilder« 2014; WDR Special Category
- Lukas Höh, Daniel Dormann, Till Beutling: Künstlerkollektiv »Klangfiguren«, Kultur- und Kreativpiloten Germany 2014
- Philipp Mies: »Move!«, Kölner Design Preis 2014, 2nd place
- Marina Scheinberg: »Orthostruct«, Design Award of Federal Republic of Germany, Young Designers Category, 1st place
- Hannes Hummel, Ilja Burzev, Onat Hekimoglu, Volker Zerbe, Philipp Carbotta, Nathalie Martin: »Outcast«, Games for Change Europe Award 2014, 1st place, and Social Media Award Aachen, 2nd place
- Valentine Mayuran Emmanuel: »1daywaste«, Core 77 Design Award; Category: Visual Communication
- Lena Wunderlich: »Schmuckserien«, Presidential Scholarship of Rhode Island School of Design
- Carla Zimmermann, »Licht formt Raum – Experimente mit Lichtgestalten und deren Wirkung im Raum«, Kölner Design Preis 2014, Jury’s Recognition
- Inge Paeßens, »Unschärfe – Ein Phänomen als Mittel zur Gestaltung«, Kölner Design Preis 2014, Jury’s Recognition
- Julia Severiens, »Berlins Favela – Cuvrybrache in Kreuzberg«, Kölner Design Preis 2014, Jury’s Recognition
- Alexa Wernery, Annika Kunter, Ines Glowania: »Heimat«, Pro Campus-Press Award 2013
- John McTaggart: »Analog Layer«, Lucky Strike Junior Designer Award 2013
- Astrid Möller: »Menschen hautnah«, »kurzundschön – bewegte Bilder« 2013; WDR Special Category
- Marina Scheinberg: »Orthostruct«, Kölner Design Preis 2013, 3rd place
- Max Kuwertz, Yanik Balzer, Lasse Conrad, Tomaz Aquino: »We don’t work, we play«, Type Directors Club (TDC) 2013
- KISD student team, supervised by Prof. Hatto Grosse, Electric Screwdrivers’ Race of HAWK Hildesheim, 2013, 3rd place (Category: Speed)
- KISD student team , supervised by Prof. Wolfgang Laubersheimer, »International Jury Award« of the Competition »Reload my pharmacy« von L‘Oréal Cosmetique Active
- KISD student team, supervised by Prof. Jenz Großhans, Fraunhofer/Langmatz GmbH Gestaltungswettbewerb »Lösungen für zukunftsfähige Ladestationen«, Category: »Future Concepts«, 1st place
- Thorsten Frackenpohl, André Poulheim: »The Cave«, Design Award of Federal Republic of Germany 2012, IF Design Award 2012
- Jennifer Schubert, Kölner Design Preis 2011, 1st place
- Philipp Rose, Kölner Design Preis 2011, 2nd place
- KISD student team, supervised by Prof. Hatto Grosse, Electric Screwdrivers’ Race of HAWK Hildesheim, 2011, 3rd place (Category: Weight)
- Marc Pfaff, Kölner Design Preis 2010, 1st place
- Doreen Toutikian, Kölner Design Preis 2011, 2nd place
- Till Beutling, Kölner Design Preis 20111, 3rd place
- Thorsten Frackenpohl, André Poulheim: »Vodafone 540 Phil / Mobile phone«, IF Design Award 2010