Last spring, students from Köln International School of Design, Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Academy of Media Arts Cologne and Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, with the latter being the host institution, created a projection mapping installation which will be shown at the Vilnius light festival starting on 25th of January. During a summer school the work was created to commemorate the 700th anniversary of the city and combines projection mapping, animation and text-to-image AI. Historical references but also recent events and the students own impressions were used to craft text prompts, that transformed the façade of the Vilnius town hall, guided by drawings of the underlying geometry.
Prof Dr. Lasse Scherffig (KISD), Senior Lecture Toni Pippola (TAMK), dr.
Rytė Žiūrienė (Vilnius Tech), dr. Tania de Leon Yong, (KHM) Prof. Dr.
Žilvinas Lilas (KHM), Lisa Marleen Mantel (KISD), Laura Juliane
Wagner (KISD)
Students: Nina Lahti, Niina Lahti, Mona Westman, Paul Hüpel, Vika
Gurina, Hyunju Lee, Nathan Schönewolt, Mini Bartl, Gunda Ehmke, Maxim
Diehl, Alex Koch, Johannes Growe, Charlotte Holke, Joshua Probst, Bessie
Normand, Samia Rachid, Bea Timmermann, Mindaugas Krutinis, Milena
Černecka, Gabija Barbora Ardzijauskaitė, Justas Krikščiūnas, Mantas
Juška, Viktorija Žukauskaitė, Inga Juknelytė, Karina Varanavičiūtė,
Nikolaj Kalinovskij, Layma Sheludyakovayte, Patrik Zdanovič, Rokas
Kaušakys, Vidmantas Navickas, Ignė Guobytė