The hybrid book ‘un/learn ai – Approaching AI in Aesthetic Practices’ is the first of three issues to be published as part of the KITeGG research project and is now available as Open Access publication.

The book series provides insights into teaching and research and presents results from one third of the project’s duration. This issue covers the period from the start of the project in winter 2021/22 to the end of the semester in summer 2023.

The publication uses a hybrid system consisting of the open source tool PubPub and the web-to-print technology paged.js. The articles are available both online and in print in German and partly in English. With the help of AI-based ‘semantic chunking’, the texts have been analysed and linked in order to offer alternative reading paths by pointing out thematic overlaps.

KISD is represented with a number of essays and student works:

Lasse Scherffig, together with Thomas Hawranke, approaches how dog breeds – especially Yorkshire Terriers – serve as symbolic representations of the history of classification and generative AI (Read here). Matthias Grund explores the impact of algorithms on the consumption and production of media content (Read here). Laura Juliane Wager reflects on her academic seminar (dis-)embodied minds – creativity and co-creation (Read here). 

KISD alumni Johannes Growe explores the use of a self-trained Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) in the design process in Fragiles in Transition (Read here). Alfred Ramskill-Pugh and Tomás Corvalán Azócar study emotion recognition in their work Dead Happy (Read here). Conrad Weise and Kjell Wistoff investigate Amazon’s return infrastructure in their work Return (Read here). 

In addition, Laura Juliane Wagner and Jakob Kilian introduce the Living Objects Lab in an interview (Read here), while impressions of the conference Hidden Layers (Read here) round off KISD’s contributions to the book. 

Project Partners:

Mainz University of Applied Sciences, HfG Offenbach, HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd, Trier University of Applied Sciences

Editorial Coordination:

Julia-Jasmin Bold, Maika Dieterich

Interviews with:

Jakob Kilian, Laura Juliane Wagner, Markus Mau, Joscha Berg, Ivan Iovine, Peter Ehses, Alexander Bauer, Felix Sewing

Authors and Collaborators:

Aeneas Stankowski, Alexa Steinbrück, Alexander Bauer, Alexander Roidl, Alexander Roidl, Fabian Offert, Francesco Scheffczyk, Isabela Dimarco, Ivan Iovine, Jannis Maroscheck, Jean Böhm, Jenifer Becker, Johanna Teresa Wallenborn, Joscha Berg, Judith Faßbender, Julia-Jasmin Bold, Lasse Scherffig, Laura Juliane Wagner, Maika Dieterich, Markus Mau, Matthias Grund, Max Kreis, Peter Ehses, Rahel Flechtner, Thomas Hawranke, Simon Maris, Emily Collard-Ducluzeau, Tessa Trautmann, Diana Butin, Nina Lüder

Design and Development:

Paul Eßer, Lars Hembacher, Francesco Scheffczyk, Maika Dieterich, Jean Böhm

Photos by Janosch Boerckel