July 14: Grand Opening of Annual Exhibition and Round Tour
On July 14, 2016, KISD was pleased to host the very special event of the KISDparcours 2016. With many visitors, students, and the design-interested public gathering at KISD – Köln International School of Design on this evening, the grand opening of KISD’s annual round tour and exhibition of students’ final theses and cross-semester projects was a huge success. Over fifth floors, KISD showed exhibits of the MA and BA program in Integrated Design and the different areas of expertise at KISD. Besides theses such as “Ecochecker“, “Grenze (Borders)“, “Mapping the Face“ or “Movement Improvement“, visitors could have a look at KISD’s multidisciplinary projects, for instance the space/music/art project of “Seven Spaces“, the project of “March Formations“, the design prototype for the “Electric Screwdrivers“ race or the results from KISD’s design award “Cologne Thumper 2016“. Subsequently, the KISDparcours exhibition was open until July 17.
KISD wants to thank everybody who organized and participated in this event.