Congratulations to KISD graduate Pia-Marie Stute. Her final thesis “BLACK BOX EXPERIMENTS“ has been ranked “First Place“ on the occasion of Kölner Design Preis 2020. A total of 40 graduate works of six Cologne-based design, culture, and art schools had been nominated for final selection. At the jury’s final selection, KISD – Köln International School of Design was represented by 17 graduates’ project works and could also succeed in being twice in the Top Three. KISD graduate Jennifer Pilawa’s thesis “Companion“ was ranked third place.

The BLACK BOX EXPERIMENTS, the final thesis of KISD graduate Pia-Marie Stute (Master of European Design at KISD), explore how the dualism between inside and outside – the hard separation between a product’s surface and its underlaying machinery – can be broken and how the design of a product can, instead, be applied to create a relationship with the technological interior. On the outside, we find the device’s distinct surface with the machinery in the inside clearly separated from one another. Instead, BLACK BOX EXPERIMENTS are focused on how the outside structure and the design of a product can interact with its internal technology. By means of a concrete example of a radio receiver as a forerunner for many modern technologies, the BLACK BOX EXPERIMENTS with four radios thus challenge the idea of the traditional texture of electronic devices – to be applied to many other technological and electronic devices.

In her final thesis “Companion“, ranked third place, KISD graduate Jennifer Pilawa developed a digital support system for fire departments which closes the gap between drone technology and the on-site deployment of fire troops. Both actors, from the very beginning after receiving the emergency call, are interacting and cooperating with regard to needed flight application, planning of deployment, and on-site usage. By the means of direct availability of drone imagery at the emergency spot and the technical convergence of both analog and digital media (deployment, prior information, on-site usage), “Companion“ thus generates a decisive time advantage for fire fighting and human rescue. 

Ranked second at Kölner Design Preis was the thesis “Relaunch SGD-Portal“ by Vincent Grabowski and Rasmus Lange from ecosign. Ranked third, besides KISD graduate Jennifer Pilawa, was also the thesis “Resozialisierungsprozess zum Einstieg in das digitale Berufs- und Sozialleben“ by Nicole Hußmann from Rheinische Fachhochschule Cologne.

About the Kölner Design Preis:

The Kölner Design Preis, as in the previous year also in 2020 labeled the Toby E. Rodes Award, is a joint project by KISD – Köln International School of Design, HMKW University of Applied Sciences, ecosign Academy, Macromedia University of Applied Sciences, ifs internationale filmschule köln, and Rheinische Fachhochschule Cologne. This year, 40 project works/final theses were approved for final selection. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, no award ceremony was held. The 2020 Kölner Design Preis marked the 13th edition of the Kölner Design Preis – this year for the third time under the auspices and with the support of Neumann-Hug SA willing to keep alive the estate of German author Toby E. Rodes. All theses are, due to the Corovirus, exhibited only online at MAKK (Museum for Applied Arts Cologne):

Kölner Design Preis 2020 (Toby E. Rodes Award)

Winner, first place: PIA-Marie Stute, KISD – Köln International School of Design, for “BLACK BOX EXPERIMENTS“

Second place: Vincent Grabowski and Rasmus Lange, ecosign, for “Relaunch SGD-Portal“

Third place: Nicole Hußmann, Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln, for “Resozialisierungsprozess zum Einstieg in das digitale Berufs- und Sozialleben“

Third place: Jennifer Pilawa, KISD – Köln International School of Design, for “Companion – Digitale Einsatzunterstützung der Feuerwehr“

For more information:

Pictures: KISD: Stute; Pilawa