
The aim of this interdisciplinary project was to investigate the extent to which structural but also communicative barriers and social obstacles to inclusion determine the everyday lives of refugees with disabilities.

How can these barriers be reduced through design and social innovations in the sense of an inclusive refugee policy and practice? In order to identify already existing problems and to advance the urban-social and political discourse, interdisciplinary and intercultural teams of students, refugees and people with disabilities were formed, the latter in the function of »experts in their own cause«. In the project, data collection on structural and communicative aspects of accessibility in refugee accommodations was combined with theoretical and practical design reflections and condensed into joint perspectives, drafts and design proposals.

Prof. Dipl. Des. Andreas Wrede, KISD, and Prof. Dr. Matthias Otten, Institute of Intercultural Education and Development

Jalal Naji

Sulin Ahmad, Sara Badi, Iryna Bondar, Raquel Cabzas, Melina Dillenhöfer, Eidan Graphic, Julianna Gräf, Anja Hein, Katharina Istesvitch, Christian Klefke, Lea Klein, Bernadette Legaspi, Winnie Nkangi, Dominik Schmitz, Luna Smolka, Andre Steinhauer, Barbara Wegener, Janek Weidenbrücher, Maren Wolf, Fabia Zimmer

Project Partners
Dr. Günter Bell, Disability Officer of the City of Cologne

Funded by
City of Cologne

Summer Term 2017