Chris Hoffmann
Zeitguised GmbH, Berlin

Chris Hoffmann will talk about 3D CG Design finding its own language as a medium. Trying to find ways to overcome the indirectness of the medium and its interfaces. To make way for more expressive and emotional creations. Going away from the representation of reality in CG towards a more autonomous way of expression that also plays with its flaws and quirkiness. He will also go on a detour into the world of 3D characters. And how we can free them from certain rules to see how far away from the figurative we can we push them while still keeping them relatable.

After spending a few years at Parasol Island and taking a detour to study art at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy, Chris Hoffmann now works at Zeitguised where he is responsible for concepts, 3D Design and research. Chris is interested in all things: nature, accidental shapes, procedural systems, and color.

The talk will be held in English language.