Dipl. Des. Marcel Befort
Sensity, Luxembourg, Cologne
My speech covers two main topics which interrelate and which, from my perspective, are both relevant for design practice and theory. The first diversity topic covers my PhD research about cultural diversity and its influence on design practice. I will present you some of my theories on this and we can discuss your ideas and your personal experiences on the topic, too. The second diversity topic is related to our discipline in a more practical way. It involves our daily work at “Sensity”: As a “consultancy for consistency and change“, we work with a very diverse set of topics, methods, and tools. Some are to foster consistency, some to gain insight on user behavior, and some are very strategic. All of them, to a certain extent, are design topics.
Marcel Befort supports companies by implementing design and customer insights in their organization. In 2006, he completed his design studies at KISD – Köln International School of Design with a specialization in Design Management. He then moved to Munich and worked for the BMW Group in the area of Brand Management and Corporate Identity. He is an assistant professor and doctoral student in the department of Industrial Design in the field of Design Theory at Wuppertal University. In 2012, he founded “Sensity SARL“, a design consultancy for consistency and change in Luxembourg and Cologne.
The talk will be held in English language.
Date 12. June 2018
Time 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm