In a joint project with stilwerk and design studio Letters Are My Friends, KISD – Köln International School of Design was in December 2019 staging the spatial installation “The Shelter of Love“ in the cities of Berlin, Düsseldorf, and Hamburg. Here, the respective entrance foyers of stilwerk design destinations were the setting for the Christmas campaign of ”Shelter of Love“ and its artistic performance and implementation. “The Shelter of Love“ – a nativity scene in and through design. KISD – Köln International School of Design will now on Wednesday, January 15 (5:30 pm to 7:30 pm, room 11 at KISD) host the finissage of the project/exhibition bringing the exhibits to KISD and Cologne. Entrance is free. Please feel free to join!

More info on “The Shelter of Love”:

Picture: Benjamin Stephan

Wednesday, January 15, 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm, room 11

KISD – Köln International School of Design, Ubierring 40, 50678 Cologne


  • Address Ubierring 40
  • City Cologne
  • Post Code 50678
  • Country Cologne

Date 15. January 2020

Time 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
