In the Friday Presentations, KISD students publicly present their projects. The final Friday Presentations for summer semester 2022 will take place on July 1 at KISD only.


SCHEDULE – Update July 1

Eating tools – room 11 (30 minutes)
Michael Schneider

In and Out – room 11 (30 minutes)
Karen Donndorf, Prof. Iris Utikal, in cooperation with: Franz Schneider Brakel (FSB)

schreiben und widersprechen – room 11 (30 minutes)
Prof. Iris Utikal, Kai Gehrmann

modulare zeichensysteme – intro room 11, exhibition in the building (30 minutes)
Prof. Michael Gais

Rette Deine Mudda – room to be announced (30 minutes)
Prof. Dr. Oliver Baron, Prof. Diego Alatorre, in cooperation with: Universität Coimbra, Portugal

Verführen – room to be announced (30 minutes)
Prof. Dr. Oliver Baron

Szenen vom Kochen und Speisen – room 240 (30 minutes)
Prof. Jenz Großhans

– BREAK 1 HOUR (around 1:30pm) –

Critical Textiles: Making – room to be announced (25 minutes)
Tomás Corvalán Azócar

Bühnenbau und Eventdesign – room 12 (15 minutes)
Prof. Jenz Großhans, Kerstsin Klütsch, zamus:

Bühnenbau und Eventdesign – room 12 (15 minutes)
Prof. Jenz Großhans, Kerstin Klütsch, zamus:

Animation in X-Reality – Summer School in Vilnius – room 12 (30 minutes)
Prof. Dr. Lasse Scherffig, Lisa Marleen Mantel, Laura Wagner, in cooperation with:
Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University,
Tampere University of Applied Sciences

Ein Atlas der Farben – Kartierung von Farben, Farbpraktiken, -wahrnehmungen
und -bedeutungen – room 12 (30 minutes)

Prof. Andreas Wrede

Mapping the city – room 12 (20 minutes)
Benedikt Schmitz, Prof.  Andreas Wrede

MXL#13: Programmed Identities & Constructed Realities – On Virtual Production – MXL LAB (30 minutes)
Markco Bodenstein, Suryanshu Rai / Black & Code, Prof. Nina Juric

You can see these presentations at KISD only!