Tuesday, January 26, 5:30 pm
Online KISDtalk: “Founder Talk: Try, Fail, Fall, Get Up, Get Going“
Dr. Nils Eiteneyer, Co-founder “xdeck“
In this Online KISDtalk, guest speaker Dr. Nils Eiteneyer will discuss foremost three aspects of the experiences he made in business and founding a start-up. Firstly: start-up turnaround: Trying, failing and taking tough decisions. Staying truthful and consistent with facts. Secondly, downsizing with a purpose: Making the most of it to pull through and protect everyone involved. And last but not least: Role transformation: from strategy consultant to (wannabe) entrepreneur – and some more lessons learned the hard way.
Nils Eiteneyer is co-founder and Managing Director of xdeck, Germany’s first start-up accelerator operated by founders. Beforehand, he was Managing Director of retail start-up FamilienBande, like xdeck funded by the founders of FOND OF. Nils used to advise large corporates at McKinsey & Company after graduating from Mannheim University and the London School of Economics. He holds a PhD from RWTH Aachen University.
Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the talk will be held via Zoom. You will find the Zoomlink and the access data below.
Online KISDtalks Winter Term 2020/21
via Zoom: https://th-koeln.zoom.us/j/88240480389
Meeting-ID: 882 4048 0389
Code: KISDtalks