Klaus Ringelhann
Service- and Experience Designers who intentionally try to elevate users to a certain emotional state, such as relief, trust or the feeling of being pampered, are more likely to succeed if they are aware of the messages conveyed by the different sensory channels and of their influence to the overall experience. Thinking multisensory when designing, enriches the product- and service
experience and, at the same time, avoids unanticipated conflicting messages. Such an approach also results in solutions that do not exclude users with sensory impairments.
Klaus Ringelhann is a senior designer and researcher at the Designit Munich studio and a coach for Cooper Professional Education. Besides designing and coaching, he is experimenting with new ways of researching, collaboration, and leadership.
The talk will be held in English language in the lecture hall of KISD.
Date 21. January 2020
Time 5:30 am - 7:00 pm