The study principles of KISD is not easy to understand at first glance, and the descriptions on our website can only partially reflect what studying at KISD actually means.
That is why we recommend that those interested should definitely watch a few Friday presentations to get a taste of what’s happening at KISD. On several Fridays during the semester an additional Student Advisory Service will be held. We usually try to synchronize these consultations with the presentations. You do not have to register to participate. We are currently doing the consultations online, the access data will be communicated in good time on the KISD homepage. Please find here the dates for the current semester.
If you are interested or have chosen to study at KISD or if your homework has been rejected, you can register here to receive information as to how to meet the requirements of a design study at KISD. It will also provide information on the admission procedure. If you choose to attend, we expect that you already have some knowledge of the »Kölner Modell« and general idea of studies at KISD. You should inform yourself by reading KISD’s web pages, by visiting the Friday presentation, by reading KISD’s year-books and through discussions with KISD students. Please understand that the Student Advisory Service will not discuss or provide information which is available in detail on the internet.
Please do not bring any portfolios with you! You may present your rejected homework to discuss the reasons for failure. The consultations will take place in a larger round along with other candidates. To avoid repeated questions, you should come very punctually. There is at least one professor and one student from the Application AG.
Here are the dates for Study Guidance in summer semester 2024:
May 29, 2024
July 12, 2024
In each case at 09:00 a.m. in the Lecture Hall / Room 137 at KISD, Ubierring 40 in Cologne.
If you have any questions about the application process or are interested in studying, please contact the students at (Bachelor) or (Master). The KISD secretariat cannot provide you with any information on this subject.