In choosing your courses, events, and activities, there are some rules that have to be respected and which will help you in finding a reasonable selection. Please read these rules carefully and follow them during the different stages of your course selection.
Once you have been assigned to a course/event, the respective teacher/instructor can immediately refuse your attendance if he has knowledge that you do not follow one of the following rules.
Status of Presence
In choosing courses/events/activities, students have to independently take into account a possible overlapping of personal attendance/presence meetings. A course selection with two overlapping courses (day and time) is not possible. Students have to make a final choice for the respective course they want to attend.
Project Rule
KISD offers short-term projects (kurzfristige Projekte, KP), mid-term projects (MP), long-term projects (LP) and long-term projects with regard to event organization (EO). It is common rule that during these project periods (start until end of project) no other project can be selected for attendance in parallel. The only exemption to this rule is a combination of LP/EO and KP. Only one single KP is allowed to be further selected in parallel to a running LP or EO.
In compliance with this rule, you will have different options of choice/selection. Allowed options are
- MP (first half of semester ) + MP (second half of semester)
- MP (first half of semester) + KP+KP (second half of semester, KPs are not allowed to be attended if they are in parallel to each other
- KP+KP (first half of semester) + KP+KP (second half of semester), KPs are not allowed to be attended if they are in parallel to each other