What about you? The Potato Lab needs you! On June 9th from 3pm to 9pm we will present the intervention in Ebertplatz in Köln.
- (How) did the war in Ukraine change the way you look at Europe?Do you feel privileged?
- How does this influence your connection to others?Where do you see a lack of solidarity in your everyday life – or more generally in Europe?
- Do you remember a situation where you felt connected to another person through food? Do you have a specific feeling for a specific food?
- What is the main challenge Europe is facing?
Come and join to explore and discuss these and more questions with other guests at The Potato Lab. Please join the urban intervention by a team of KISD and ENSCI Les Ateliers on Ebertplatz – and we want to know your position/statement in relation to Europe. Do you feel dis/re/connected? Project intervention starts at 3pm, french fries will be offered when you participate.
The Potatoe Lab timetable for June 9th
15.00 – 19.30
Peeling potatoes and video interviews
15.30 – 18.00
What about us, Europe: European live conversations:
Dialogues with project participants from Europe / interactive stations
Project introduction The Potato Lab: From Paris to Europe.
Philipp Heidkamp and Iris Utikal (KISD)
Pecha Kucha: presentations of KISD projects in a European Context
The Potato Interviews: Presentation Web platform
Quo Vadis, Potato Lab: Next Stop – Aveiro!
Closing panel with Rui Costa, Aveiro and Yasmina de Takacsy, Paris & Guests
More info coming soon on on Whataboutus.europe.
»The Potato Lab project« is official part of the New European Bauhaus Festival starting on June 9. (follow-up project from the joint project with ENCSI students in February 2022.