In her bachelor thesis "FLUID EDGES" Kristina Jurk has designed a jewelry collection inspired by the concept of fluidity, which deals with the tension between queer security and visibility. Her work is an approach to bring these two, in the community often conflicting needs, closer to each other. Therefore, she is nominated for the Kölner Design Preis 2023.
The project “FLUID EDGES” is inspired by the terms ‘safety’, ‘visibility’ and ‘fluidity’. Especially for queer people, the tension between safety and visibility is a daily struggle. At the same time, they are both crucial needs. If a person wants to be seen for who they are, they might have to fear abuse and violence. If they want to be safe, they might have to hide parts of themselves and their personalities. These needs can vary across a fluid spectrum.
It seems absurd that queer love and the expression of queer gender identity and personality in public can be reasons to be targeted. Many have to fear for their safety and lives on a daily basis. As a part of the community, Kristina Jurk sees these things happening around her, which is hurtful and frightening. Her photos show the deep individual platonic or romantic relationships of the models. The goal was to show the pureness and beauty of these connections, as well as to contrast the hate and expose its absurdity.
The jewelry collection is an attempt to move the terms ‘safety’ and ‘visibility’ towards each other. Although the project cannot even remotely solve the problem, it can generate attention and inspire new thought processes outside the communities. The jewelry placement is unconventional and hypervisible. Its fluid shapes are as fluid as its possible wearer, yet they involve spikes, which symbolically represent self-protection. The pieces work with the facial features, strengthening and highlighting them. They are supposed to make one feel more confident and untouchable.
The project was supervised by Prof. Iris Utikal and Patricia Hepp.
Professional support was given by the goldsmith’s workshop of Dianne McFarlane.
© by Hanna Freres