The M.A. program »Integrated Design Research« offers you a specific range of design perspectives in four thematic clusters: Material Systems & Lab Culture, Social & Public Innovation, Urban Intensities & Resources and Visual Cultures & Politics. more

We welcome applicants who are looking to engage with, explore and pursue these cross-cutting clusters and perspectives. They are the gateway to in-depth research and aim to push, transform and recalibrate the limits of design, theory, practice and disciplinary methodologies. As a Master student, you will be able to immerse yourself in an integrated, transcultural and transdisciplinary setting and work in research- and practice-based design processes. Find your topic, choose your cluster’s perspective and apply now!

Köln International School of Design (KISD) is an institute of TH Köln – University of Applied Sciences, one of the largest public universities of Applied Sciences in Europe. KISD offers its students a dynamic culture of inventive, experimental and critical research. Project-based and student-centered learning in informal and flexible environments allows students participatory and integrative approaches in researching design.

Graduates of our Master`s program »Integrated Design Research« take on a variety of roles within contemporary design across the globe The study program aims to support students in their individual design research development and in defining a professional purpose for themselves and to help them to become responsible creative individuals.