
The seminar »Taboos in Gender & Diversity« is dedicated to the critical examination of taboos in the field of gender and diversity, embedded in the overall context of the "scuola di non-sapere "*.

In the interdisciplinary seminar led by Prof. Utikal, the students developed information graphics from their extensive research in order to sensitise public awareness of topics such as health, care, sport, protest and sexuality and to question existing knowledge.

The main aim was to break through existing prejudices and stigmas and to question the way in which knowledge of gender and diversity is communicated. Visual communication served as a way of making the invisible visible. The students questioned existing knowledge, supplemented it with their own research and visualised this using infographics.

The seminar started in October 2023 with international participants from KISD’s BA and MA degree programmes. At a workshop in Cologne in mid-November, the student groups were able to present, discuss and further concretise their initial topic approaches to Vera and Ruedi Bauer. In the weeks that followed, the students explored the possibilities of topic-related visualisation and also reflected on the content aspects of their topic. Existing infographics were presented and analysed, and new forms of implementation were discussed and critically scrutinised in the team.

At the end of the seminar, 8 infographics were created by 8 teams, which will be presented together with the work of 28 other international universities in Paris on 1 + 2 February at the CNAM and exhibited on 1 + 2 February and 1 + 2 March at the École Estienne, Paris.

*scuola di non-sapere:

A project initiated by Vera and Ruedi Baur, in which students throughout Europe deal with topics that usually receive little or no public attention. The participants research topics they have chosen themselves and visualise the results and findings in the form of large-format infographics.

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