
Venice is a unique place in terms of culture, art, design, and architecture. It provides an abundance of insights into history and culture as well as the very roots of design. Venice is the best place in the world to experience European culture and history itself. For KISD students with their Integrated Design background, a perfect opportunity to research and analyze the structure of social and design developments, finding and giving answers for the future.

KISD is in Venice because we believe in the future of Venice! Our first project is mainly dealing with the local transportation system – the Vaporetti and the water bus stations. This
system is unique in the world. Within two weeks time students examined the different water bus stations around Venice: How would the waterbus stations which have been lasting for decades look like, designwise, if they had been invented nowadays?

Referring to this question we analyzed the water bus stops, the Vaporetti and the flow of passengers, which has experienced a major change due to the increase of Venice tourism. This analysis is the basis for the design of the new waterbus stops by the KISD students. Providing answers for today and the future to the numerous questions of the complexity of
the transportation system in Venice and finally their impact on the social structures.
With this project KISD will start a series of design projects at the KISDstudio Venice.

The KISDstudio is a collaboration between KISD, the Cologne International School of Design and the GAA Fondation.