Design Concepts
Paolo Tumminelli warmed up by studying architecture in Milan, sped into design, slid into marketing, rushed through strategic brand consulting and landed as full professor (C3, 50%) for design concepts at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences at Cologne University of Applied Sciences. In his generalist approach, he sees design under the perspective of a global consumption culture. The focus of his research is on automobility. On these issues Prof. Tumminelli provides advice to entrepreneurs and corporate executives. Besides he was—and still is— a publicist, author, speaker, curator and moderator or, to put it another way: a cultural entertainer.
Current assignments
Director, Goodbrands Institute for automotive culture, Cologne; Editorial brand director, Domus—German edition, Berlin/Vienna; Guest lecturer, HBK—Academy of Fine Arts, Braunschweig; Member, Parliamentary Circle for Automotive Cultural Heritage (Parlamentskreis Automobiles Kulturgut), Berlin; Ambassador of Italian Culture, Rome; Judge, Golden Steering Wheel, Berlin/Hamburg.
Previous assignments
Studies: graduate, Faculty of Architecture, Politecnico, Milan; scholar, ATA—Associazione Tecnica dell’Automobile, Turin; trainee, Centro Stile Alfa Romeo, Arese; graduate, Design Direction, Domus Academy, Milan.
Career: design manager, Momo Design, Milan; strategic marketing manager, Rosenthal, Selb; vice president brand & strategy Europe, frog, Düsseldorf/Berlin/Tel Aviv; owner and CEO, goodbrands, Düsseldorf/Cologne.
Teaching: guest lecturer, Central St. Martin’s School of Design, London; guest lecturer, Hoogeschool voor de Kunst, Arnhem; visiting professor, HBK—Academy of Fine Arts, Braunschweig.
Publishing: design editor, domus, Milan; columnist, Handelsblatt, Düsseldorf.
Exhibitions: Fascination Car Design, Italian Embassy, Berlin; Mitomacchina | Legends of the Open Road, Mart, Rovereto; Shape Mission, Meilenwerk, Berlin; Rettet den Panda, Neue Sammlung, Munich; Dream | Cars of the future since 1950, Torino Expo, Turin.
Books: Car Design, teNeues, Düsseldorf/New York; Boat Design, teNeues, Düsseldorf/New York; Traffic Design, daab, Cologne; Car Design Europe, teNeues, Düsseldorf/New York; Car Design America, teNeues, Düsseldorf/New York; Car Design Asia, teNeues, Düsseldorf/New York; Making Aston Martin—with Dr.Ulrich Bez, teNeues, Düsseldorf/New York; Design 2 Go, Handelsblatt Epubli; OAL-BB 50—The Alpina Book, Delius Klasing, Bielefeld.
Various: guest, St.Moritz Design Summit, St.Moritz; member of the board, mindset holding AG, Horw; chairman, KISD Club | association of the friends and supporters of the Köln International School of Design, Cologne; member of the jury, Red Dot Design Award, Essen; member of the jury, Renault Traffic Design Award, Brühl; founding member, DGTF—German Society for Design Theory and Research, Cologne/Berlin; member of the board of trustees, ITKAM—Chamber of Commerce for Italy, Frankfurt; founding member, Bundesstiftung Baukultur—Convention of the German Foundation for Building Culture, Bonn/Berlin…
Köln International School of Design
Ubierring 40
50678 Cologne
+49(0)221 | 8275-3237