Service Design

Curriculum Vitae

After some years as an in-house organizational developer and systemic consultant with companies like Hewlett Packard and Muelhens Prof. Birgit Magers interest shifted to the paradigm change from products and technologies towards services and how to help companies go through that transition.

In 1995 Birgit Mager started teaching as a professor for “Service Design” at the University of Applied Sciences Cologne (KISD), Germany. As she was the first professor ever in this field, she always felt that it is part of the responsibility as a professor to create awareness and interest in the graduates and make sure they will find jobs! So it was not only her interest to develop the theory and methodology of service design and to build a curriculum around these – she always put emphasis on collaboration with real partners in the private and public sector, to publish, to talk on conferences – to spread the word about service design!

Mager, Birgit (Hg.), 2020, The Future of Service Design, TH-Köln, ISBN 978-3-9818990-6-1

Mager, Birgit, Weisser, Tina (2018) Successfully implementing service design projects, Touchpoint Vol 10

Oertzen, A.-S., Odekerken-Schröder, G., & Mager, B. (2018). Designing for Diverse Personalities in Service Co-Creation. The 20th Australia and New Zealand Marketing Conference in Adelaide, Australia.

Oertzen, A.-S., Odekerken-Schröder, G., Brax, S. A., & Mager, B. (2018). Co-Creating Services—Conceptual Clarification, Forms and Outcomes. Journal of Service Management, 29(4), 641-679. doi:10.1108/JOSM-03-2017-0067

Oertzen, A.-S., Mager, B., & Odekerken-Schröder, G. (2017). Service Innovation in Value Co-Creation: A Context and an Outcome. The 15th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management in Porto, Portugal.

Oertzen, A.-S., Mager, B., & Odekerken-Schröder, G. (2017). A Measurement Tool for Value Co-Creation. The 5th Naples Forum on Service in Sorrento, Italy.

Manhaes, M., Oertzen, A.-S., Mager, B., & Tanghe, J. (2017). Six Priorities to Promote Service Design in Academia. Community Knowledge Pages of the Service Design Network, 1-9.

Mager, Birgit (Hg.) 2018, Reine Formsache, Innovation im öffentlichen Sektor. Köln ISBN 978-39816422-7-8

Nicholas de Leon, Birgit Mager and Judah Armani Service Design in Criminal Justice (2018) : A Co-production to Reduce Reoffending, IRISH PROBATION JOURNAL Volume 15, October 2018

Mager Birgit/ Reza Moussavian (2017), Design Thinking Inhouse, ISBN 978-3-9818990-0-9

Mager, Birgit (Hg.). (2017) Service Design in the Health Sector, Impact Report,

Mager, Birgit (Hg.). (2016) Service Design in the Public Sector, Impact Report,

Mager, Birgit: „Wohin geht Design? Eine Expedition zum Service Design“, in: Bürdek, Bernhard | Eisele, Petra (Hg.): Design Anfang des 21. Jahrhunderts, Av Edition. ISBN-10 3899861507

Mager, Birgit: Organisational Change, Touchpoint 09/2011

Mager, Birgit: Enthusiasm, Touchpoint 01/2011

Mager, Birgit/ Tung-Jung Sung (eds.) : International Journal of Design (IJD), Special Issue Designing for Services, Vol. 5, No 2, 8/2011

Mager, Birgit: Business Impact of Service Design, 09/2010

Mager, Birgit: Service Design and Behavioural change, Touchpoint 01/2010

Mager, Birgit | King, Oliver: Methods and Processes of Service Design, Touchpoint 4/2009

Mager, Birgit: Service Design as an Emerging Field, in: Miettinen, Satu | Koivisto, Mikko (eds.): Designing Services with Innovative Methods. Keuruu: Otava Book Printing Ltd, 2009. ISBN 13 978 952 5018 42 4

Mager, Birgit | Gais, Michael: Service Design: Design studieren. Stuttgart: UTB, 2009. ISBN 978-3-8252-3113-2

Mager, Birgit: „Zwischen Notdurft und Bedürfnis: Ein Designprojekt mit Folgen“, in: Erlhoff, Michael | Heidkamp, Philipp | Utikal, Iris (eds): Designing Public – Perspectives for the Public. Basel: Birkhäuser, 2008. ISBN 9783764386672

Mager, Birgit: „Service Design“, in: Erlhoff, Michael | Marshall, Tim (ed.): Design Dictionary: Perspectives on Design Terminology. Basel: Birkhäuser, 2007. ISBN 9783764377397

Mager, Birgit | Erlhoff, Michael | Manzini Ezio: Dienstleistung braucht Design, Luchterland Verlag. ISBN 3472022574, 1997

2019 – INTIA – Inklusive Entwicklung von Methoden und Technologien für digitale Hilfen zur Alltagsbewältigung in der Behindertenhilfe und Erziehungshilfe. Interdisciplinary Research Project. Funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research.

2016 – Social Services and Digital Technologies – Research Cluster at Technical University Cologne

2015 – 2019 Research Funding from Marie Curie Program ITN, 2015-2019 in collaboration with 6 European Universities for the “Service Design for Innovation” PhD program

2012 -2014 Erasmus Project “Service Design for Sustainability”

2011 -2013 Hybrid Value Creation” EU – funded research in collaboration with the University of Münster, EU-funded

2012 Service Design and Behavioural Change

2006 Enthusiasm – How to create Wow-moments in Service Delivery, in collaboration with Deutsche Bank, Germany

2004-2005 The Art and Science of Service, in collaboration with OMV, Vienna, Austria

2003-2005 International Service Cultures, in collaboration with sedes-research, Siemens, Nokia and McDonalds

1998 -2001 Dienstleistungsinitiative 2020 BMBF, Research goes Public

1996 -1999 President of Jury: International Service Design Award, Switzerland

1998 – 2003 Member and President of Jury: International Design Award Baden-Württemberg

2003 Founder and Manager of the Center for Research Communication, University of Applied Sciences Cologne,

2004 Co-Founder of the International Service Design Network

2007 Founder and Manager of sedes-research, the research Center for Service Design, Technical University Cologne

2008 President of the international Service Design Network

2008-2015 Vice Dean of Faculty 2, University of Applied Sciences Cologne, Technical University Cologne

2008 Initiator and Conference Chair for the1st international Service Design Network Conference Amsterdam, NL

2009 Creator and Editor in Chief 1st issue of Touchpoint, the international Journal for Service Design,

2010 Member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Design, special issue “Designing for Services”

July 2011 Conference Chair for the National Service Design Network Conference, Seoul, South Korea

Since 2011 CSL Faculty Network. Distinguished Faculty Member

Since 2012 Member of Editiorial Board for the IJD

2016-2019 Head of the Master Program at KISD, Technical University Cologne

2019 Co-lead of the Master focus area »Social and Public Innovation« at KISD



Köln International School of Design
Ubierring 40
50678 Cologne
Room 320
+49(0)221 | 8275-3220

Photo © Jan Rothstein, 2020