Typography and Layout

Curriculum Vitae

Michael Gais studied communication design at the FH Düsseldorf, finishing with his diploma in design in 1992. Since 1988, he has increased his visual and communicative horizon in well-known design and advertising agencies in London, Helsinki and Turku. Until 1994, he was involved in the »Arbeitsgemeinschaft Loesch«. In 1994, he established QWER Design Kommunikation Beratung, together with Iris Utikal. QWER specialises in the development and implementation of communication concepts for companies, cities, regions, cultural institutions, and events. To ensure a consistent implementation of its design concepts, QWER follows cross-media, interdisciplinary paths, focusing on corporate design and information design.

References: Corporate design of the EXPO 2000 Hannover and the Kommunalverband Ruhrgebiet (regional association of local authorities in the Ruhr area), Leipzig 2012 (layout), ZANDERS Feinpapiere AG (2002 calendar, support of various paper sections), Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum Duisburg, various cultural foundations. The work of QWER has won numerous awards in various competitions and is frequently exhibited.

Teaching work in 2000 and 2001 in the Department of Design at the University of Applied Sciences in Cologne, invitations to congresses, lectures, and workshops in various design schools in Germany and China.

Since 2002, professor of typography and layout, conception and design at the Cologne International School of Design.


Köln International School of Design
Ubierring 40
50678 Cologne
Room 222

+49(0)221 | 8275-3055