
The project »Gleisland – Straßenland« deals with the question of ownership of public space and the handling of inner-city infrastructure wastelands for social welfare-oriented urban development.

In the »Gleisland« project, a former railroad building of the former Goods station in Cologne Ehrenfeld is transformed into an experimental laboratory for participatory urban visions. The subject of the investigation is the eventful history of the site, which is characterized by physical mobilization, by transport flows and material flows. Medial spatial installations reflected the conversion from former railway station to new residential quarter and explored the possibilities of changing urban mobility cultures. In the »Straßenland« project, the art space »Gemeinde Köln« at Ebertplatz is transformed into a future archive of the postautomobile city. The archive is based on the scenario of car-free city centers, according to which automobile spaces are freed up for alternative public uses. Drafts show the potential of such mobility spaces using the example of the North-South Drive in Cologne.

Prof. Dr. Carolin Höfler

Mario Frank and Julian Hoffmann

Tyanka Demyanka Adrian, Tamara Bertran, Anna-Lena Derksen, Julian Habermann, Konstantin Hehl, Luisa Hoffmeister, Yvonne Lober, Lara Maiwald, Hanno Parschauer, Justus Poggenburg, Amelia Sanchez, David Sieverding, Martin Sistig, David Wiesner, Christian Wild von Hohenborn 

Project Partners
Johannes Geyer and David Morsi, City of Cologne – City Planning Department, Urban Space Management; Agustina Andreoletti, Art Space »Gemeinde Köln«; Amon Nanz, Kooperative Westspitze e.V., Cologne; Martin Schmittseifer, JACK IN THE BOX e.V., Cologne and the Research Cluster »Echtzeitstadt | Real-Time City« at TH Köln

Funded by
City of Cologne; Kooperative Westspitze e.V., Cologne; Art Space »Gemeinde Köln« and the Ministry of Culture and Science of the German State of North RhineWestphalia

15.10.2019 – 06.02.2020

Exhibition »Gleisland – Straßenland« on the occasion of the Design Festival PASSAGEN 2020

Image: Exhibition view »Straßenland« in the art space »Gemeinde Köln« at Ebertplatz and »Gleisland« in the exhibition space »Kooperative Westspitze e.V.« by Carolin Höfler