The project »Assemble – Disassemble« explores the reorganization of social life to protect against coronavirus infections and its consequences for the socio-spatial structures of the city.
In times of pandemic, precisely those urban spaces that are freely accessible prove to be obsolete. Buildings, public spaces, cities and entire states are sealed off and global mobility massively reduced as the virus spreads worldwide. Using the example of Ebertplatz in Cologne, the urban and social consequences of the pandemic are examined. Time- and media-based works as well as urban interventions and performances address the reordering of public ground, the choreography of distance, the expansion of surveillance, the viral spread of comedy and paranoia, and the auditory experience in pandemic silence and self-soothing in parks and gardens. They survey the spatial situation in the »corona society« and show perspectives for a future after the crisis.
Prof. Dr. Carolin Höfler
Mario Frank, Konstantin Hehl and Julian Hoffmann
Marcelo Andreguetti, Max Brückner, Johannes Förster, Mario Frank, Konstantin Hehl, Ayako Matsuda, Christian Müller, Christopher Müller, Ruth Müller, Marlene Neumann, Zoë Rush, David Sieverding, Martin Sistig
Project Partners
Johannes Geyer and David Morsi, City of Cologne – City Planning Department, Urban Space Management and the Research Cluster »Echtzeitstadt | Real-Time City« at TH Köln
Funded by
City of Cologne and the Ministry of Culture and Science of the German State of North Rhine–Westphalia
07.04. – 31.07.2020
Ausstellung »Assemble | Disassemble«, 16. – 26.07.2020 in the Project Space, Ebertplatzpassage, Cologne
Image: Performance at Ebertplatz by Mario Frank and Konstantin Hehl