„What‘s wrong with me?“

The negative image of psychiatry that has been shaped for centuries does not seem to have been forgotten and this leads to a stigma of mental illness. As a result of labelling, mentally ill people often opt for therapy very late.

How can young adults be informed about mental illness / disorder? The project “What’s wrong with me?” was developed in collaboration with affected young adults. Project participants suffering on mental illnesses and disorders shared their personal experiences that have been processed into a narrative story. The result of the collaboration is the animated social spot „Was ist mit mir los?“.

Through the insights that were conveyed by the project participants, it was possible to develop a visual language that not only addresses the target group directly but also the topic of mental illness itself.

This project shows how it is possible to realize projects in cooperation with mentally ill patients and institutions in a short time. The area of psychiatry definitely needs new images for better communication and appealing information. At the same time this topic also provides a range of opportunities for creators.

Eugen Herber
Bachelor of Arts Integrated Design