Mager, Birgit (Hg.), 2020, The Future of Service Design, TH-Köln, ISBN 978-3-9818990-6-1
Mager, Birgit, Weisser, Tina (2018) Successfully implementing service design projects, Touchpoint Vol 10
Oertzen, A.-S., Odekerken-Schröder, G., & Mager, B. (2018). Designing for Diverse Personalities in Service Co-Creation. The 20th Australia and New Zealand Marketing Conference in Adelaide, Australia.
Oertzen, A.-S., Odekerken-Schröder, G., Brax, S. A., & Mager, B. (2018). Co-Creating Services—Conceptual Clarification, Forms and Outcomes. Journal of Service Management, 29(4), 641-679. doi:10.1108/JOSM-03-2017-0067
Oertzen, A.-S., Mager, B., & Odekerken-Schröder, G. (2017). Service Innovation in Value Co-Creation: A Context and an Outcome. The 15th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management in Porto, Portugal.
Oertzen, A.-S., Mager, B., & Odekerken-Schröder, G. (2017). A Measurement Tool for Value Co-Creation. The 5th Naples Forum on Service in Sorrento, Italy.
Manhaes, M., Oertzen, A.-S., Mager, B., & Tanghe, J. (2017). Six Priorities to Promote Service Design in Academia. Community Knowledge Pages of the Service Design Network, 1-9.
Mager, Birgit (Hg.) 2018, Reine Formsache, Innovation im öffentlichen Sektor. Köln ISBN 978-39816422-7-8
Nicholas de Leon, Birgit Mager and Judah Armani Service Design in Criminal Justice (2018) : A Co-production to Reduce Reoffending, IRISH PROBATION JOURNAL Volume 15, October 2018
Mager Birgit/ Reza Moussavian (2017), Design Thinking Inhouse, ISBN 978-3-9818990-0-9
Mager, Birgit (Hg.). (2017) Service Design in the Health Sector, Impact Report,
Mager, Birgit (Hg.). (2016) Service Design in the Public Sector, Impact Report,
Mager, Birgit: „Wohin geht Design? Eine Expedition zum Service Design“, in: Bürdek, Bernhard | Eisele, Petra (Hg.): Design Anfang des 21. Jahrhunderts, Av Edition. ISBN-10 3899861507
Mager, Birgit: Organisational Change, Touchpoint 09/2011
Mager, Birgit: Enthusiasm, Touchpoint 01/2011
Mager, Birgit/ Tung-Jung Sung (eds.) : International Journal of Design (IJD), Special Issue Designing for Services, Vol. 5, No 2, 8/2011
Mager, Birgit: Business Impact of Service Design, 09/2010
Mager, Birgit: Service Design and Behavioural change, Touchpoint 01/2010
Mager, Birgit | King, Oliver: Methods and Processes of Service Design, Touchpoint 4/2009
Mager, Birgit: Service Design as an Emerging Field, in: Miettinen, Satu | Koivisto, Mikko (eds.): Designing Services with Innovative Methods. Keuruu: Otava Book Printing Ltd, 2009. ISBN 13 978 952 5018 42 4
Mager, Birgit | Gais, Michael: Service Design: Design studieren. Stuttgart: UTB, 2009. ISBN 978-3-8252-3113-2
Mager, Birgit: „Zwischen Notdurft und Bedürfnis: Ein Designprojekt mit Folgen“, in: Erlhoff, Michael | Heidkamp, Philipp | Utikal, Iris (eds): Designing Public – Perspectives for the Public. Basel: Birkhäuser, 2008. ISBN 9783764386672
Mager, Birgit: „Service Design“, in: Erlhoff, Michael | Marshall, Tim (ed.): Design Dictionary: Perspectives on Design Terminology. Basel: Birkhäuser, 2007. ISBN 9783764377397
Mager, Birgit | Erlhoff, Michael | Manzini Ezio: Dienstleistung braucht Design, Luchterland Verlag. ISBN 3472022574, 1997